About Me
I have a Wild Heart. I love to explore!
I am Traveling the World, the Cosmos, my Dreams ~~~>
Home is where I drop my roots and sink into the Pure Pleasure of being immersed in daily life... my garden, kitchen, creative play, and house projects... but when I feel the urge to E X P A N D, a journey out into the wild world is what I crave. I love my ROOTS and I love spreading my WINGS and traveling too!
I TRAVEL my IMAGINATION daily... and follow the path of meditation and freestyle movement and dance. I find new territory in my everyday life. The inner world is a rich landscape with infinite destinations. This is a journey along the back roads of my SOUL!
When I go on a Spiritual Journey away from my home, I feel like a bird flying out of the home nest. I open my wings and stretch my limits. The world away from the normalcy of home calls me into greater awareness.
Traveling takes me down the path of Adventurous Awakening!!

My Mobile Office! Find me out on the Road...
For many years I imagined having a vintage camper that I could take out on the road and travel to visit amazing people. Matilda Jolene ... or Matty Jo, as we like to call her, is an adorable camper that magically flies to just about anywhere I wanna go.
I love time spent in this little camper exploring and meandering along highways and back roads. I enjoy the simplicity of time spent in this little camper. I enjoy writing and creating Spiritual Journey videos for you all!
Invite me to VISIT Your CommUNITY !
Would you like for me to travel to your part of the world?
I take programs from The Divine Life Playhouse on the road, and would love to discuss visiting your community and sharing time together in circle.
Some Options Include :
Living Room Dance Church
Freetime Practice Circle
Mystic Wisdom Circle
Menhdi Henna Circle
Plant Centric Cooking Circle
Custom Designed Program