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Image by João Marcelo Martins
Image by Lavi Perchik

Greece Explorations

Preparing for an Incredible Adventure

Week 5

  • Theme : Offerings to Greece

  • Sound : Tuning into our Mystic Wisdom on Giving & Receiving

  • Practice  :  Chanting

  • Ritual :  Gathering your Gift

  • Symbolic Mystic Wisdom of Greece

Offerings to Greece

Have you ever considered that when you walk on the land, the earth is feeling your steps?


When you step off the plane and your feet touch the ground, Athens will feel you arrive.

WE are all so connected!  We are connected as humans and we are also connected to the Earth. 

Image by Rui  Silvestre
Image by Sudhith Xavier

We each have a Soul Song that resonates in our energy field everywhere we go.   This frequency will be shared with Greece while we are there.   While in Greece, we will be given so much nourishment and pleasure while traveling. 
How will you give back to the land of  Greece at an energetic level?   Tune into your Soul Sound and consider what you hope to bring to Greece in a giving and receiving exchange for all that Greece will give to you.


Have you ever practiced chanting or toning to explore subtle states of being that are activated by sound?

What is your unique SOUL SOUND?

Image by William Farlow

Ritual prompt for the week

Image by Shane Rounce

Gathering your Gift

While in Greece we will be doing a simple ritual together where we will all give our offerings to the earth in Greece.   Be on the lookout for something you'd like to offer as a gift to Greece in material form and place it on your alter or near your suitcase.


Choose something small from your life or from nature to bring as a gift for Greece

Symbolic Mystic Wisdom of Greece

In the days ahead, be looking for the symbols of Greece to show up in your life.
Share in our signal group when you find synchronicities  in your life so we can all begin to piece together the story of our trip together as a collective.   We will have a unique journey together that will be unlike any other!

Our group will receive messages meant just for our collective!

Image by Susan Holt Simpson
Leslie Indigo Alison

I'm exploring the hidden caverns of my heart while traveling the ever-expanding world around me.  

I am soul spelunking and spiritual mountain climbing.   
I haven't been Everywhere yet... but its on my list!! 


Come along for the journey and design your own life adventures along side me.   I hope to light your path with love &  pass along some of my Spiritual Journey Travel Guides  to inspire you in your soul searching!    



© 2017 - 2024  Life is a Spiritual Journey   ~ Leslie Indigo Alison 

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