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Image by João Marcelo Martins
Image by Victor Malyushev

Greece Explorations

Preparing for an Incredible Adventure

Week 4

  • Delphi and the Oracle 

  • Tuning into our Mystic Wisdom

  • Invitation : Journal on Honoring  our own Oracle Gifts of Wisdom

  • Ritual : Creating an Alter

Delphi Oracle

Imagine arriving at Delphi at the time when an Oracle sat in the temple as a guide to the leaders of the land and the select few who were welcomed into her company.


This video is in Greek, yet the energy of Delphi is understood.

Delphi imagined in ancient times

Image by Victor Malyushev

What is your Gift to Greece ?

How will you share your Mystic Wisdom ?

Image by Alex Shute

Journal prompt for the week

Image by Kate Trysh

Honoring your Oracle

If you have time this week to sit for awhile and connect to spirit about the journey ahead, I invite you to contemplate this question with both your higher mind and your heart.


What unique talents and wisdoms do I offer the world and have to bring to the journey we will be making together?

Alter : Honoring your Wisdom

Let's each set up our own home alters to begin grounding in the symbols of Greece in our everyday reality.   
Seeing the sacred space in our homes can tune us in more consciously to the journey ahead of us.


When setting up your alter you might ask yourself questions and answer with the symbolic objects you add to the alter.

What do I want to receive from this journey experience? 
How do I intend to contribute my unique wisdom?

What do I want to feel on this trip?

How do I imagine others will feel in my presence?


Leslie Indigo Alison

I'm exploring the hidden caverns of my heart while traveling the ever-expanding world around me.  

I am soul spelunking and spiritual mountain climbing.   
I haven't been Everywhere yet... but its on my list!! 


Come along for the journey and design your own life adventures along side me.   I hope to light your path with love &  pass along some of my Spiritual Journey Travel Guides  to inspire you in your soul searching!    



© 2017 - 2024  Life is a Spiritual Journey   ~ Leslie Indigo Alison 

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