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Image by Alexandre Chambon

Greece Explorations

Preparing for an Incredible Adventure

Week 6 :

  • Theme : Intentional Creating 

  • Practice : Noticing Breath

  • Invitation : Journal Intentions

  • Experiece : Pleasure Pause 

Intentional Journey

On this journey we will be working with manifestation and creating the experience of our journey together with intention.   
This Spiritual Journey will be a luxurious and adventurous journey that will be filled with many pleasures.   We will have the opportunity to create together during these 10 days and then bring back energies of Greece in our hearts so that we can weave this co-creative manifesting in our everyday lives when we return home. 

Image by Jordan Madrid
Image by Joshua Earle

Practice Noticing the Breath

In the ordinary moments of life this week look for opportunities to intentionally notice your breath.
Notice the effortless giving and receiving of air in your body.   Notice the feeling of the air moving across your nose or lips with consciousness that gives your breath more attention and awareness.

Journal prompt for the week

Image by Clay Banks

Setting Intentions

If you have time this week to sit for awhile and connect to spirit about the journey ahead, I invite you to contemplate this question with both your higher mind and your heart.


How is my life different when I am clear in my intentions and create with clarity?

Pleasure Pause 

I invite you to begin preparing yourself for the amount of PLEASURE filled experiences you are getting ready to enjoy while traveling in Greece.   Start by noticing the simple pleasures in your everyday life and giving gratitude for sensations you experience within meals, walks, baths, work, and in daily activities you usually barely notice.


Intentionally take PAUSE moments in the days ahead to notice PLEASURE.

What do I feel on my skin? 
How do experience this moment more fully when I slow down?

How can I amplify the sensations of this moment with my awareness?

How much more pleasure can I feel when I notice all sensations more deeply?


Image by Takashi Miyazaki
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