Its 6:30 am here and I woke in a warm cocoon of soft blankets drifting between swirling visions of yesterday and anticipation of today. I was dreaming of snakes, of course... yet it was different than ever before. Rather than dreaming of wise serpent medicine visiting me by coming from outside, I was dreaming that I was the snake. Everything from yesterday was etched into my dna, like codes that unlocked hidden rooms in my being. I was the snake looking out from snake eyes. Its hard to describe why we do the things we do sometimes... there is just an inner longing and inner knowing and an inner pull that gets us where we need to go to meet the next turn on the life path. Yesterday, I walked into this ceremony not knowing what to expect... only knowing I was being called by countless synchronicities and years and years of dreams. I have been writing about it all morning, yet the words are still too tender to share and the visions are swirling with my minds eye still coming together to tell me a story. I danced. I communed. I saw many visions. I morphed and I shape shifted into forgotten aspects of myself. Mostly I laughed and laughed and laughed which was not expected, but welcomed like a laughing orgasm that delights a part of you that is rarely accessed and surprisingly delicious. This life is so multi faceted. Most of us walk around in our lives, in our roles, in our programs... barely accessing the cavern of our deepest truth... barely expressing our inner complexity on the exterior of our bodies. I am still integrating the beauty of yesterdays ceremony. I honor that slow moving energy. I feel it weaving into my bones and into my spine. Into my mind. Integrating so I may begin to embody the knowing. I am not surprised to find myself in a memory of a future I once imagined. I am not surprised to find myself unwinding and discovering myself beneath the unknotted twine. #snakemedicine #ancientwisdom #primordial #bewildmybeatingheart #lifeisaspiritualjourneyÂ