Sitting here at the local coffee shop doing my sweet thing... changing the world just a tiny little bit with my dreams in a whirl of activity on a tiny keyboard... all the while connecting so deeply with the sweet souls who sit with me, text me from across the room and smile, send their day's challenges to me in text conversations, call me, stop by to hug me and just say hi and give me a high five. <3 I am teary right now... my eyes are dripping with little bits of love that just can't stay inside my body this moment. (yeah, I heard a song that did this...). And its also amazing how much love can be squeezed in a few hours and a collection of conversations.
I am hearing stories today from every corner of my circle of friends... stories of people doing it... holding on... keeping on... surmounting crazy obstacles... clearing karma like warriors.. healing at the core... all the things.
I just want to tell you... sweet humans... I see you all and I love you more than I can explain.
Please remember you are not alone. not today. not tomorrow. It seems that way somedays, I know. Sometimes I feel like i just want to hit the EJECT button on this crazy life? Anyone else? I know it.. you all tell me about it. Lee Harris says something along the lines of this...*** during these times we “humans/healers/lightworkeres/artist/etc” are experiencing the most complete extreme of emotions humans have ever felt. ** I believe it. I feel it. I hear it from you. and I deeply honor all of us for showing up and continuing to show up. #iseeyou #iloveyou #youareamazing #lifeisaspiritualjourney