Four trips planned to California this year... Plane tickets for March are official as of today! I am committing to a deep dive journey this year with the intention to E X P A N D into new territory in my heart and within lovership in my life. *Life is a Spiritual Journey* and I am hopping on an airPLANE to get to new planes inside myself and in my relationships. It was just a year and a half ago that I went out to Big Sur and studied with Sally Kempton as part of a 12 day solo journey up and down the coast. Now I am going to work with two other rocking guides and deep dive into the yoga of intimacy while exploring my favorite topic of all~ ALPHA:Masculine & OMEGA:Feminine energies. Being a Libra, my exploration of this dynamic feels like it has been woven into me since an early age. I have played with the extremes and the balance point. I have played all over the spectrum and I am so grateful for my experiences so far. I am ready for more. * With each passing year, I am integrating the polarities within myself and recognizing my own fullness, complexity, and wholeness where it all comes together. I am also learning more and more how these dynamics dance with other humans. Its a fascinating play. Lovership is like no other relationship. It's fierce. Its tender. It's primitive and has possibilities of expansive consciousnesses. I am enamored with the exploration, and I am ready to push new edges within myself and with my beloveds. I was told recently that my numerology this year = the year of lovers. I say YES to my journey through 2018. YES to more potent energy in all aspects of my life, and YES especially to the CREATIVE FIRES. I am a YES to more compelling intimacy in the lovership with myself and the beautiful people that cross my path. Living a *Divine Life* is my greatest intention... and I believe one of the most Divine experiences of being human is the merging of Alpha & Omega energies into ONEness. YES to this JOURNEY. #lovership #innermarriage #sacredsex #alpha #omega #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #yogaofintimacy #lifeisaspiritualjourney #intentionallife #divinebodybliss
